New Release
Lord Teach Us To Pray
When we know how to pray, we get answers speedily. This book is power packed with divine revelations on prayer taught by the Author himself – Jesus Christ-

Pastor Samuel Robinson
Teaching the Word.
Christ the logos word, God sent Him with the rhema word and he gave to his disciples the rhema word for them to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person. God sent the Holy Spirit to teach and empower the believers with the gifts of the Spirit and divine powers to continue the mission of Christ. Join the man of God, Pastor Robinson, for teachings in the word of God.
Bible Study
MEETING ID: 980 3748 3625 | PASSCODE: grace&true
Christ Cares for The Saints
Remembering Lot’s Wife!
God is our Refuge and Strength
Recent Teachings

Discerning Demons and Unclean Spirits
There is only one prince of devils but many demons.

17 Works of the Flesh - Galatians 5:16-21
The Apostle Paul exhorted the galatian christians to serious practical godliness.

12 Symbols of the word of God
The word of God is a hammer to convict, to declare or proven guilty.
Featured Episode
The Mission of Christ
St. John 10:10
A Mission is the act or an instance of sending a ministry commissioned by a religious organism to propagate its faith or to carry on its humanitarian work. In the Christian context the person is charged with the task of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to whom he was sent.