- Adultery
- Fornication
- Lasciviousness
- Idolatry or Worship of false gods
- Witchcraft
- Hatred
- Variance
- Emulation
- Wrath
- Strife
- Seditions
- Heresy
- Heretics
- Envyings
- Murders
- Drunkenness
- Revellings
The works of the flesh are divided into four groups, namely:
- The Sins of Lust or Desires
- The Sins of Temper, heat of mind, or passion, the disposition to become angry.
- The Sins of Superstition
- The Sins of Appetite
Paul emphasized that the Christians who practiced these things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Let us look at the seventeen works of the flesh, as follows:
Thou shall not commit adultery. The 7th commandment concerns our own and our neighbor’s chastity.
This means abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse and purity in conduct and intention.
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse with anyone other than one’s partner.
Adultery and fornication are within the body, while all other sins are without the body; sex is not sinful unless it is illegal or out of marriage.
Jesus gave his definition of adultery in St. Matt. 5:27-28. He said that if you look at a woman with an evil desire, you’ve already committed adultery in your heart. That does not mean you can’t look at a woman or man, it is what happens after you look: the image and plan you make in your mind toward the person.
Adultery is also unfaithfulness. It is unfaithfulness because you fail to keep your commitment or vow. At John 15:2: “every branch in me that does not continue to beat fruit he taketh away (because you are given what it takes to bear and you stop bearing) and every branch that bears the fruit He purges it that it may bring forth more fruit.” St. John 15:5 gives the importance of union. Jer. 31: 6-8 explains spiritual adultery.
What are some of the causes of adultery?
- Getting married for the wrong reasons, such as sexual satisfaction (not waiting for the right person)
- Material gains that stand between you and God
- Protecting the church-e.g. a sister got pregnant
- because you have been acquainted for some time
- physical appearance, etc.
Some Causes of Unfaithfulness:
- Backsliding- losing your first love and spiritual desire
- Lack of spiritual knowledge
- peer pressure
- lacking in pastoral care from the local shepherd
- love for material things more than spiritual blessings
- worldly prosperity without self-control
- stagnation or lacking in spiritual growth
James 4:7-8 teaches on how to overcome these conditions.
When Christians become unfaithful to God, they can be referred to as adulterers and adulteresses (St. Matt. 15:16-20).
Our chastity should be as dear to us as our physical lives and we should be as much afraid of that which defiles the body as of that which destroys it. Adultery does not only defile and destroys the individuals, but the children if any, and causes hurt and disappointment to others. This commandment was given to protect the body from being defiled and destroyed physically, morally, emotionally, and spiritually.
All adultery is fornication, but not all fornication is adultery. Fornication is the same as adultery except it is sexual intercourse between unmarried persons (St. Matt. 5:31-32).
Moses wrote in Deut. 22:13-22 what was practiced in Israel and some parts in the near eastern countries.
The Jews were chosen by God, so they were committed to God. They should not have sex until they are married.
We are not and cannot be faithful to God until we commit or accept Christ as Lord of our life and come into the kingdom of God (St. John 3:5, 4:14, 15:3, & 7:37-39).
1 John 3:9-10 gives us the reason why it is not easy for Christians or born-again believers to deliberately, knowingly, and habitually practice sin: BECAUSE GOD’S SEED OR WORDS REMAIN IN YOU.
Series continues next week…